Great exclusive, Graham. It doesn’t take much effort to pick up the phone and pop the questions: “Hey BBC, what do you think of this idea? What are the implications? Could we make this work?” Underlines how wafer-thin and speculative this Action Plan actually is. Written in glorious, uninformed, unquestioning isolation.

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Thanks Glenn. It certainly appears that way! So many questions arise from this.

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I think that the idea has some merit. There is probably a great deal of value to be created out of combining content from public institutions. I think Tim Clement-Jones is right - the institutions have to be able to have some degree of control over the content.

However, we need to realise that this content was built using UK taxpayers' money and I'm afraid that if the institutions are left to exploit the content themselves, they will not consider the wider benefits of combining data.

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Wow, they didn't even consult the BBC before announcing it!

Headless chickens, loonie tunes...

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